Shopping Inspiration – Gifts For Capricorn…

Into the thick of it – Virgo Season! Check out choice gifts for sweet Virgo!

Ready to reflect on the best birthday presents for Capricorn ever?

That’s right, it’s time for the Capricorn crew to step up, with birthdays from 23rd December through the 22nd of January. No doubt you’ll soon be celebrating with a friend or loved one who falls under the cool, classic, dare I say business-like sign of Capricorn…

And why so conservative you ask??!!

Capricorn is ruled by stern, stoic Saturn, so these people are in essence serious, practical and appreciate craftsmanship.

However, remember we are so much more than our Sun signs, so don’t go believing your friend doesn’t have a wicked sense of humour!

Essentially they are dedicated to their long term vision, with excellent planning skills and follow through, knowing when they deserve a time-out.

Advice for friends and family of Capricorn looking for a great gift: Make it meaningful, consider the particular tastes of your Capricorn. Something thoughtful and personal will mean so much more than a showy gift, you can even give them something handmade. 

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