Lizzo Astrology – See the Singer’s Birth Chart!

Celebrity astrology, and the Leo Rising's chart with Black Moon Lilith...

Lizzo (Melissa Viviane Jefferson) was born April 27th, 1988 in Detroit, Michigan.

A singer, rapper, songwriter and overall musical maestro, the star was born under the zodiac sign Taurus.

But what else?

Lizzo Astrology

Lizzo was born not only with the Sun in Taurus but Jupiter and Mercury, too!

This gives her a heightened sensuality, artistic aptitude, and permeates her message with a steady beauty.

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Jupiter is the most expansive planet and gives Lizzo powerful lungs and a keen will to share her message. Situated between Sun and Mercury, the trio makes for a strong, sensual signature, and if in the ninth house (as per the chart below), her global presence was written in the stars.

Taurus is tenacious, and has the potential to do something tangible in the world.

Lizzo’s fashion style absolutely reflects this.  art with her visual impression and great impact at every appearance. Not only does she boast three generational planets in Capricorn (Uranus, Saturn and Neptune), but the star also has Moon  in Virgo.

She is an incredible example of earthy beauty!!

Yet, with Venus in Gemini we see her as somewhat sprite-like, mischievous with her smile and flute. To me, she comes across in the Gemini fashion of being fairy-like!

Note the part of fortune conjunct her Neptune in Capricorn in the fifth house of artistic merit. Black Moon Lilith conjunct the ascendant adds provocation…

Lizzo Birth Chart

Born Wednesday, April 27th 1988 at 2.30 pm In Detroit, Michigan…

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