My Top 5 Things To Do During Cancer Season!

There’s a reason for each and every season, but what to during the Crab‘s reign? Discover my Top 5 Things To Do During Cancer Season, with cosmic inspiration!

General events every Cancer Season include:

What to do during this month, when the Sun moves through Cancer…

1. Put Family First! And Have Plenty Hugs…

Just like the hard, protective outer shell of a crab we see on the sand has a soft-center, Cancer is the zodiac sign that defends family, and is sensitive to those around her.

This is the mother-bear archeytype, gathering together her brood.

2. Bake & Break Bread…

The USA (born July 4th) is a Cancer country, and just as American’s love to serve up home-made apple pie, cherry pie, or pumpkin pie, so too does Cancer Season give us permission to indulge.

Get cozy on a Sunday afternoon, and get out your oven-mitts to make like a Cancer babe! Open your flour and don’t be afraid to break some eggs, for the perfect pastry dish…

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3. Visit The Seashore!

Sit by the water or sail great waves!

Failing that, have a bath…

This water sign loves the tub, and as the Sun shines in Cancer you too can soak for hours.

4. Nourish and Comfort…

Any activities that help you wrap up you and yours in arms of comfort enhance the Sun’s tour of Cancer…

5. Celebrate Summer Solstice!

As Cancer Season begins we experience the turning of the wheel, and Summer Solstice – it’s a moment to mark the arrival of Cancer Season at the Sun at 0º of this sign.

Read more here about the astrology of Summer Solstice, and rituals for this special day

What are your choice activities for Cancer Season? Let me know on social channels! Twitter, Instagram or Facebook!

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