A Yoga Sequence For Scorpio Season…

Water sign Scorpio is the third sign of the zodiac, and is governed by planet Mars.

This is the astrological sign most aligned with emotional resilience and death, and as such you’ll often find Scorpio’s in the industries and occupations concerned with security, research and analysis – financial investment (and insurance), psychology, journalism, pharmaceuticals or occupational therapy and rehabilitation. See all the posts on Scorpio, here.

Scorpio is the sign of the scorpion, and its correlation with the body – the astrological parts of the body ruled by Scorpio – are the sexual organs, the bowels, bladder, rectum and the excretory and reproductive system.

A Yoga Sequence for Scorpio Season

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This is the sign of the scorpion, so the ideal pose focuses on the pelvis.

Yoga For Scorpio

To get the most cosmic support, try the camel.

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